Privacy is our first priority.

Vendorpal is committed to protecting the privacy of your data and keeping it secure.

  • What kind of data does Vendorpal store?

    Vendorpal stores basic information about you as a user, such as your email and company name. During onboarding, we will understand what data you would like to extract from your PDFs, and we only store the data from the PDFs that you explicitly allow us to. 

  • Does Vendorpal share/sell any data with any third-parties?


  • Is Vendorpal compliant with laws like COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule) / GDPR?

    Yes. Vendorpal only works with US vendors and stores data from non-European companies, so GDPR does not apply. COPPA only applies to services targeted directly towards children under 13 (16 C.F.R. ยง 312.2), and Vendorpal is a service to assist other businesses and does not work with children directly in any way. Using Vendorpal to extract your data is similar to storing your customers' information in a Google spreadsheet.

  • Where does Vendorpal store this data?

    Our databases and servers run on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a highly secure data center run by Amazon in the US. For more information, see our Data Security page. 

  • How does Vendopal deal with sensitive information, like childrens' names?

    Vendorpal stores sensitive data from PDFs in secure databases running on top of Amazon Web Services. The data is not shared with anyone, and only you can see your own data.

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